Feb 03 2010

4.2 News Values 1 -Homework

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1. The news values of what the audiences would be interested in revolve around a common theme in these three articles, crime. The first article has the age of the women being sentenced, and the second article has the idea that there was a mass grave created by a mob family. The last story has the fear that a normal teenager who is believed to be a “nice guy” would commit those actions.

2. Story 1:

Who: Faye Copeland What: Sentenced to murder When: Crime committed in the past. Currently waiting for sentencing by Judge. Where: Chillicothe,Mo Why:Murdering five men. How: Murder

Story 2:

Who:FBI, the mob, and Twardy What: Digging up a suspected mob grave and sentencing for crimes When: Monday  more arrests were made Where: New York Why: Crimes were committed and the FBI is looking for evidence How: The mob murdered people with the help of others.

Story 3:

Who: Elie Dean What: Held classmates and teacher hostage When: Around 11:10a.m. until 7:30p.m. Where: Central High School Why: He was upset about his recent suspensions How: Held the class at gunpoint

3. Personal sources and interviewing  were used in these stories.

4. Story 1: David Miller- With the record of the trial and the statements to the press is where I suspect he got his information.

Story2: Officials, U.S. Attorney Stanley A. Twardy Jr.- The commemnts made were to the press in response of public interest I suspect.

Story 3: Sgt. Martin Jenkins, Amanda Garr- I think these statements were also made in response to public interest and was reported to the press.

5. In story 1, I would want my reporter to double check that Copeland would be the oldest person on death row. I would also have the reporter double check the allegations made towards Copeland’s husband.  Story 2, the second paragraph suggests that there is a possible fourth body, I would want to double check that lead. I think that might be a way to generate more interest. Story 3, the number of students held hostage should be confirmed. Overall I think that the stories seem to be reported with accuracy.

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