Mar 31 2010

Web Package-

Published by under Uncategorized has an exciting and interesting web package. is an excellent supplement to the magazine that covers a variety of celebrity news topics. The website is set up in a similar way to the magazine which allows the viewers easy searching; however the website is updated every day unlike the magazine that comes out once a week. There is a column to the left of the home page that gives the “Top Story” and the “Latest Headlines”. The center of the home pages displays the main story of the day photo and the “Star Track”. To the right on the home page gives the must see photos that give a small preview of some of the newest photos. As the viewer scrolls down there are sections for the different tabs at the top. These web links allow the read to see a preview and explore what is behind the tantalizing photos and headlines. All of these web links have a tab bar at the top giving links to “Home”, “News”, “Photos”, “Style”, “Babies”,“TV Watch”, “Games”, “Celebs”, “Video” and “Archive”.

The “Home” page has many types of visual stimulants. There is a constant add at the top of the page that shows a popular show that is to be aired. The shows change day to day and have a link to the show’s website. The home page has many pictures and headlines to lure the reader into clicking to see more.  There are also audio and video clips to enhance the viewing experience.

The second tab is the “News” which gives The Newswire. The Newswire gives the most important or recent celebrity news stories of the day. To the right of the breaking news story are links to the top stories of the week. All of these stories have pictures related to the topic in the story to add interest to the viewer. Also on this page there are polls that viewers can join in or see the results. There is also a tab list of the Top 10 News Categories.

The next web page is “Photos” which is a highlight for me because I can pick what I am interested in reading based on who is in the pictures. The page is set up in a collage format which ads a fun feel to the section. There is also a section of pictures that were posted previously in the week which remain available to be viewed.

The “Style” page is set up in a similar format to the magazine by sectioning off different style related topics like  fashion, makeovers, beauty and much more. There are many different topics that would interest variety readers. The “Style” page is very interactive with voting and polls to take like Last Night’s Look: Hit or Miss?

The “Baby” page is an exciting page for mothers, mothers to be and primarily designed for women. The page gives tips for soon to be mothers and topics like where to find great baby clothing. The page mainly gives updates on which celebrity is expecting or how they are doing post pregnancy. The pictures mainly focus on the celebrities and there are limited photos of children.

The next page is for the reality television lover! The “TV Watch” section gives the latest recaps of what is hot in reality television. There are links to clips as well as videos on the page. There is also a tab list that tracks different shows. A television guide is given to inform the reader what the top shows to watch are and when they can be viewed.  This page is loaded with pictures and stories about all the latest reality gossip.

The “Games” page is not as exciting to me as some of the other pages but every once and a while I will click a game that interests me.  The games that I find interesting are the games where you have to guess to see how well you think you know celebrities. has a page that is dedicated to being able to select on the celebrity that most interests you and about the newest information about your celebrity. For example if you love Reese Witherspoon and want to read more about her, click on her name. This page archives any information about her that was on their website.

The “Video” page immediately pops up video ads and interviews. There are many links to different subjects and celebrities. This page gives a lineup of the latest video and does an excellent job to give a variety of information.

The last page tab is “Archive” which links you to different magazines that have been published. The page offers easy searching by date, cover, and year. The section even offers a search by past issues that have similar topics to what is currently in the news. is filled with pictures, audio, video, graphics, past stories, current news, polls and a massive amount of information about celebrities. I enjoy reading as a way to escape reality and take a break.  I find to give more accurate information then other celebrity magazines which I why I choose to view it the most.

One response so far

One Response to “Web Package-”

  1.   dkoison 06 Apr 2010 at 9:03 am

    Holy smokes! This is a lot. You explained all of to me! I would have preferred if you had chosen a single package to break down, but there is a lot of good information here. 4/5.

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