Feb 19 2010

Homework Part 3- Leads

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a)      Straight-news lead

Government data released Friday showed that a closely watched measure of inflation fell in January for the first time since 1982, potentially giving the Federal Reserve more leeway to keep interest rates at ultra-low levels.

b)      Anecdotal lead


When Julia Mancuso skied to the bottom of the Franz’s Run at Whistler Creekside Thursday afternoon, she looked at the scoreboard, saw herself in first, fell to the ground and began kicking her skis in celebration.

c)      Direct address


It may say Monday on your calendars, but for Democrats it still feels like Friday afternoon, when President Barack Obama stuck it to Republicans on national television at the House GOP’s Issues Retreat.
d)     Straight news lead


Recent storms cost county $1.5 million
By Adam Bednar, Times Staff Writer

Friday, February 19, 2010

The latest snowstorms cost Carroll County $1.5 million to dig out.

Ted Zaleski, county director of management and budget, released an estimated cost of the storms Thursday.

–       I think that the title, subtitle, and lead all say the same thing. After reading those three lines, I feel like there is no point to read the rest of the article.

One response so far

One Response to “Homework Part 3- Leads”

  1.   dkoison 24 Feb 2010 at 4:06 pm


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