Feb 17 2010

4.7 Paraphrasing

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Quotation 1

Martin Goldsmith, general manager of the local public radio station is seeking $100,000 as this year’s fund-raising goal. The money will be for programming efforts which each year about $130,000 is spent on buying programs per year, and the costs are increasing. This funding will help the audience get what they want to hear.

Quotation 2

Marilyn Wall, president of the locally owned Walls Tire Co., describes this year as being good for the company and her employees. She announced that orders were up 20 percent from last year, and recalled many of the employees that they had to lay off in the past years.  Wall also commented that the work force has been expanded by 20 new jobs in various parts of the factory.

Quotation 3

Marsha Moss, director of the local symphony orchestra described her enjoyment of playing to an appreciative audience not full of critics. She felt that the audience enjoyed the program and appreciated the long hours they had put into preparing for the concert.

Quotation 6

Laura Stewart, president of Stewart Advertising Agency describes the healthy city business climate. She comments that by growing every year her company’s gross revenues have increased by 20 percent from last year and this is the third time this growth has been accomplished. With most business from local clients, about 25 percent is from out-of-town clients. She is positive about the local economy.

One response so far

One Response to “4.7 Paraphrasing”

  1.   dkoison 24 Feb 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Be a little more selective about what facts you use. 4/5.

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