Feb 16 2010


Published by under Uncategorized

Photo courtesy of Flickr user the PhotoZoo .

After a meal at a long, dark ,wood table that was set for three lies a padded bill fold cover. The light is muted and shines down on the table giving a soft reflection.  A small salt and pepper shaker stands next to a small bowl with a tiny spoon. Two water glasses empty and one half full, have only a few fingerprints and lip prints, appearing as the sunlight illuminates the clear glass.   The three folded napkins laying on the table all have a unique square shape, as if to be folded by three different people.

The windows are frosted and there hangs two green wreaths with sunlight upon them. The chandelier that has crystals hanging down from different points along the long slim shape.  The different shapes of the crystals add a unique look to the angular shape of the base that has lights inlaid. The muted brown color of the chairs compliments the muted towns of brown on the walls with the off white trim around the three windows. Only a few crumbs are left on the clean table that lies in the corner.

One response so far

One Response to “Description”

  1.   dkoison 16 Feb 2010 at 9:23 pm

    Very good details. Careful of word choice, punctuation and spelling — there are a lot of errors in this post. Comma in sentence 1; “shakers,” “as if to be folded,” “muted tones.” 4/5.

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