Feb 11 2010

POST MODERN- Vanity Fair

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Like thousands of people this week in the DC area, I lost power. Surprisingly for me I found it enjoyable and finally had no excuse not to read and relax. I began by catching up on my Vanity Fair subscription, starting with the October 2009 issue. I came across the article POST MODERN by Michael Wolff. This article gave a lot of insight into the family history of the Post. The article was a different perspective of the Graham family and the Post. The article is worth reading if you have a continued interest in reading about the Post.

I was able to link in the article but if you have trouble go to: http://www.vanityfair.com/business/features/2009/10/wolff200910

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “POST MODERN- Vanity Fair”

  1.   mstaple2on 13 Feb 2010 at 12:01 pm

    This was a very interesting article to read. It was neat to see that a newspaper genuinely loved their owners so much that they respect them even when they are firing them. It was also very encouraging to read that even though newspapers may not be the most popular item; people who work for the Post are still working as hard as they can. A lot of times we read about “news” in world so its nice to read about the actual backbone of the newspaper and what the owners of the Post are like. As I have heard numerous times your employees are your best marketers, so if the employees are as happy as they say this newspaper should be well on its way. The Graham family does a great job communicating with their employees and instilling good habits in them for the long run.

  2.   smassa1on 14 Feb 2010 at 11:28 am

    I also agree that this article was very interesting. It is amazing to me that there was so much respect within this company. Even when people were getting fired, the respect still never faded toward the owners. It is good to know that there are still strong newspapers that have great employees to market their items and attract readers. Like mentioned above i the previous comment, The Graham family really does a good job with making sure they communicate well with their employers because habits such as this will pay off.

  3.   kimmymosson 14 Feb 2010 at 11:52 pm

    Wow, this article really goes into depth about the Graham family! It’s always interesting to learn more about the personal lives of those running some of the biggest and most successful companies in our country. I think articles like this make us MORE inclined to continue supporting their organization. And I’m sure on behalf of the Graham family, that was no coincidence that they would support a story with in-depth information on the family to be published… after all they do seem pretty smart. 🙂

  4.   dkoison 15 Feb 2010 at 10:33 am

    Yeah, this was an interesting story. Thanks for blogging about it, Maureen.

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