Archive for February, 2010

Feb 24 2010

5.10 Writing News Stories 4

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Recent rise in drinking at fraternity parties has lead to two student’s deaths, one at MIT and one at LSU, and others in the hospital from alcohol poisoning.   Early Sunday morning at separate times, three students from the Alpha Beta Zeta fraternity were admitted to the hospital and one remains in critical condition. The current […]

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Feb 24 2010

B.J. Koubaroulis- Sports Contributor

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B.J. Koubaroulis is a sports contributor for the Washington Post and focuses on high school sports. As a guest speaker in my Sports and the Media class he shared his personal experience being a journalist. Koubaroulis described the transformation he had to make as a journalist with the increase in technology. The Mason alumni described […]

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Feb 19 2010

5.5 Leads and Second Paragraphs 2- Homework

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Angry group of 25 committed Christians plan to express their objection over University teaching an evolution class. The angry group of citizens led by Wilbur Straking, pastor of the Ever-Faithful Church of the Living Water, commented that he plans to, “speak with legislators about this problem,” of teaching evolution at the University next Monday.  Laura […]

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Feb 19 2010

Homework Part 3- Leads

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a)      Straight-news lead Government data released Friday showed that a closely watched measure of inflation fell in January for the first time since 1982, potentially giving the Federal Reserve more leeway to keep interest rates at ultra-low levels. b)      Anecdotal lead When Julia Mancuso skied to the bottom of the Franz’s Run at Whistler […]

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Feb 17 2010

4.7 Paraphrasing

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Quotation 1 Martin Goldsmith, general manager of the local public radio station is seeking $100,000 as this year’s fund-raising goal. The money will be for programming efforts which each year about $130,000 is spent on buying programs per year, and the costs are increasing. This funding will help the audience get what they want to […]

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Feb 17 2010

Steve Gardner- USA Today

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In my Comm372, Sports and the Media, class we had a guest speaker, Steve Gardner, who came in and spoke about his job as a blogger. Gardner graduated from James Madison University and has had many job in the newspaper industry, but the job he currently works is at USA Today and he is a […]

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Feb 16 2010


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Photo courtesy of Flickr user the PhotoZoo . After a meal at a long, dark ,wood table that was set for three lies a padded bill fold cover. The light is muted and shines down on the table giving a soft reflection.  A small salt and pepper shaker stands next to a small bowl with […]

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Feb 11 2010

POST MODERN- Vanity Fair

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Like thousands of people this week in the DC area, I lost power. Surprisingly for me I found it enjoyable and finally had no excuse not to read and relax. I began by catching up on my Vanity Fair subscription, starting with the October 2009 issue. I came across the article POST MODERN by Michael Wolff. […]

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Feb 11 2010

3.11 Using the Stylebook 9

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1. comprises 2. A.D. 33 3. Czar 4. QE2 5. Court-martials is incorrect 6. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 7. Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps  (NROTC for references after) 8. liberal 9. pour 10. Atlanta, Georgia

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Feb 08 2010

Snow News Day

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The story,  Weatherman’s Big Moment, was posted online, February 8th, from where I live in Baltimore, Maryland. The online weather report is very unique, however, not unique in content. If the report was written and read as newspaper article then it would seem ordinary and like everything else. However this story was reported by anenthustaic reporter who took on […]

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