Archive for January, 2010

Jan 28 2010

Movie Review: “It’s Complicated”

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“It’s Complicated” stars Meryl Streep who is struggling to form her own self-identity being a divorced woman with grown up children and a complicated love life. The movie was hilarious and the supporting characters did an excellent job portraying their roles. Four stars.

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Jan 26 2010

Wordiness Assignment

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There was never any doubt in Hannah future that she would  become a known jazz singer who was recognized around the world. Midville is  a fairly small place with a small town atmosphere that offers a lot of safety and security to those who live there raising families. Erin could not see any point in […]

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Jan 21 2010

Hello world!

Published by under Uncategorized

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Update: It turned out this post was useless! This is in fact our third post.  Sorry.

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